Monday 13 November 2017 : Write a Silly Dinosaur Poem (Grammar)

Hello there! Its another new post but this time, its a very special one. I've got an email from who would like to collaborate their content as a guest in my blog. So, its kind of surprising for me, but yes, I've accepted it. So, here we are! (I made slight changes on the activities to suit the students' need here.) You can refer the original post from them on the link provided below :

credit to

The photo displayed above showed on the outcomes of this activity which being given from Since my students still have limited knowledge in terms of vocabulary, I will ask them to draw their version of dinosaur first using their own imagination. This is because we have limited access on the internet and also books as our resources.

  • A4 Paper
  • Pencil
  • Colored pencils

1. Give A4 paper and fold it into two to make it in a size of A5. The teacher introduces the activity to make a poem book with a proper sample and explanation. 

2. Then, let the pupils decide which type of dinosaur that they want to be use as the main character. Let them use their imagination in drawing a dinosaur and give the dinosaur a name.

3. Encourage the pupils to decide on a humorous situation for her character. Personifying a dinosaur and having it involved in activities that people usually do can be quite funny. (example : big eyes, small mouth and so on).

4. The teacher showed a sample of her own silly dinosaur on the whiteboard.

5. Create a list of interesting words (adjectives) to use in the poem and ask the pupils to keep track of all the words written on the whiteboard.

6. Now, brainstorm with them and try to find a rhyming twin for several of the vocabulary words based on the sample given by the teacher.

7. Pupils can begin by creating two sentences that introduce the poem. The last word of the second sentence should rhyme with the last word of the first sentence.

8. Continue the rhyming pattern until they have created three pairs of rhyming sentences that describe their funny dinosaur situation.

9. Write the entire poem neatly on a given A4 paper.

10. The pupils can attach the drawing to the poem with a staple or cut out the drawing and glue it to the second page of the poem book. They can also draw the dinosaur on the given A4 paper.

P/s : This activity can be done as a fun activity towards the end of the year. Thanks a lot to Jessica from for sharing their ideas to be included in my blog. Thanks for reading! :)


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